Friday, May 3, 2013

Response to "Harness Your Digital Smarts"

I was told to watch a short video called Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts. This short video is about a teacher who teaches at a school where her students use different types of technology. This woman has a blog called the Cool Cat Teacher that won the Edublog award for best teacher blog in 2009. She also travels to share her ideas about education and what she is doing in the classroom. Her main focus over all is about teaching her students and opening up the door for them to new possibilities.  She uses all kinds of technology in her classroom to teach her students, from blogs to advanced software.

What stuck out to me the most in this video was the part at the end where the lady talked about being from a small rural town in southern Georgia. Being able to bring a new experience into someone’s life may be very beneficial to them. You could be introducing them to a new passion, or hobby.  These children who are from these rural areas did not always have the opportunity to be exposed to these kinds of technologies. So when you do expose them to this you are opening a new realm of possibilities for them.

I like to think that in a classroom anyone can teach someone something. Teachers can learn from the students just like the students learn from the teacher. The woman says that she doesn't think a teacher should be worried about knowing everything in their field so that there is always room for them to expand their own knowledge.  Today’s society is going to keep changing and one of the major changes is the way that we will be educating our youth.  This video gave me insight to why I am in an education technology class, and why it is important to adapt to this new style of education. It will be very essential to the next generation.

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